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Capital Campaign

“We complement each other in such a way that together we become a more dynamic, sustainable organization that expands our reach and deepens the impact for families and individuals,” says Angele Barrow, Board member and NHE founder. “It really is a perfect marriage.”

The Center for Working Families, Inc. and New Hope Enterprises have officially merged!

Titled “Better Together,” this three-year, $1.6 million campaign will facilitate the one-time costs of consolidation and will enable critical program expansion that will expand its reach and deepen its impact for families and individuals in the Atlanta area. We have received great response from the community for this campaign.

Fortified by our complementary missions and strengths focused on reducing generational poverty, and as two of Atlanta’s leading workforce development agencies, Better Together, we anticipate:

  • Footprint Expansion: Together, both organizations have an immediate opportunity to scale to two locations (NPU-V and Westside Works) and lead workforce in Atlanta’s southside neighborhoods.
  • Sustainability: Currently both organizations compete for philanthropic dollars from limited sources. Once merged, there will be a stronger case for support with improved tracking of outcomes from one source.
  • Model Improvements: TCWFI will be able to enhance its job readiness services for families with the addition of New Hope’s STRIVE model, while New Hope benefits from TCWFI’s coaching model, providing ongoing case management supports for families after employment.
  • Smart Growth: With a decade of experience and solid operational infrastructure TCWFI can absorb New Hope without interruption to service for families.

Funds will be used to employ up to 30 staff members. Merging will facilitate the staff specialization required to increase program quality and to ensure that individual client training needs are met. To achieve job placement and retention results, each participant will work with life and financial literacy coaches, and a new Workforce Development Manager. A rebranding effort will position the merged organization as the leader in career workforce development. Facilities and System Integration will include NHE move to TCWFI office space as headquarters, a technology audit and purchase of technology/equipment upgrades, transition to electronic file storage, accounting system integration, upgrade and integrate voice/data systems. Consultants are needed in HR, financial, program design, data and evaluation, fundraising and legal consultants and professional services.

Current List of Funders

  • Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
  • AEC Charitable Trust
  • Community Foundation of Greater Atlanta
  • James M. Cox Foundation
  • Betty and Davis Fitzgerald Foundation
  • John and Mary Franklin Foundation Inc.
  • Georgia-Pacific Foundation
  • Kendeda Fund
  • Post Hope Foundation
  • Price J. Gilbert, Jr. Charitable Fund