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Training Programs

STRIVE Job Readiness Training 

Nationally recognized, 4-week work readiness training program designed to help participants enter, re-enter or advance in the workplace. STRIVE’s “tough love” approach helps build confidence for the job search and determine individual employment goals. Includes basic Digital / Financial Literacy skills.

Our core program is modeled on the 30+ years of STRIVE International’s proven record of successful training, job placement and job retention among unemployed or under employed populations. TCWFI is Georgia’s only STRIVE affiliate.

People are referred to us by organizations in Atlanta including Atlanta Housing Authority, Atlanta Mission, Emmaus House, Gateway Center, Integrity CDC through Westside Works and others. They are 18 to 62 years old who have suffered hardship and major setbacks, sometimes through no fault of their own.

All STRIVE participants receive ongoing support from coaches, who helps find solutions to any issues that might prevent successful graduation.

Graduation from STRIVE Training is a pre-requisite for enrollment in the in-house hard skills training programs such as Certified Nurse Training. Referrals to other programs require graduation as well. Interested candidates can APPLY NOW!